Valentines Day

Yesterday, as I was leaving work with my fellow coworker, another coworker said, “You ladies have a good ‘V-Day’ tomorrow.”  I don’t know why, but his calling it V-day made me snicker.  For starters, it’s a bit nerdy, but then also it made me think of Winston Churchill and Victory and Beethoven’s fifth symphony–none of the normal Valentines things at all –which also made me smile.  The best part, however, was this morning in the moments before I woke up, when I was just beginning to think my fuzzy morning awake thoughts, this came to my mind: “Today is V-Day.  V is for Victory.” No really, that’s the way my mind was rolling this morning.  So when I actually woke up, in the proper way, I remembered my fuzzy thoughts and giggled again.  I don’t know what it has to do with anything, but today is V-day.  Yes.  And after all, I’ve been told, ‘Love is a battlefield’ so maybe it makes sense? Who knows.  Anyways, be it Valentines or battlefield Valentines, I hope it was a good one, full of all kinds of victories (the big kinds, the little kinds and the love kinds). Happy V-day. (P.S. The following pictures contain a lot of pink.  If you feel there may be a chance that you have overloaded on the color pink in the past 24, I recommend proceeding with caution.)



~M.R. Berry